In this short section of our website we want to present you the golden alarm clock and the golden red pencil. These two travelling prizes are awarded every semester to illustrate the correction time of the exams. The golden alarm clock stands for the longest correction time, the golden red pencil for the shortest.
In the exam phase of the winter semester 2016/2017, the golden alarm clock goes to Prof. Dr. Sander for the OCIII exam and the golden red pencil once again to Prof. Dr. Dyker for the OCII exam.
In addition to the travelling trophy of the golden alarm clock, our FSR room also has a plaque of honour of the previous prize winners. Just come by and see who is represented there from the last years.
Golden red pen SS 17
The golden red pen for the shortest correction time in the exam phase of the 2017 summer semester has once again been awarded to Prof. Dr. Dyker for the OC I exam. Prof. Dyker managed to correct the exam written on the 2nd date in under 4 hours and upload the results to Campus Office. So the results of some students were online faster than they were back home. By the way, Prof. Dyker also corrected the 1st appointment within 5 hours. The students of the faculty would certainly be happy if he shared his secret with the other lecturers.
Golden red pen and golden alarm clock WS 17/18
Bochum. As every semester, the prizes for the fastest and slowest exam correction were awarded to the respective lecturers. Since the summer semester 2014, these prizes have been awarded to the lecturers every six months by the student council.
Prof. Dr. Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner (2nd from left) won the golden red pencil for the correction of the inorganic chemistry exam III at the second date. She and her doctoral students needed only 5 hours and 25 minutes to correct the exam sheets in the lecture hall and publish the results in eCampus.
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Sander (on the right, archive photo) has just as confidently secured the golden alarm clock for the correction of organic chemistry III for the third time since the introduction of the prize. As an old-school lecturer, Prof. Sander insists on correcting all the exams he has set personally, so that the correction naturally takes longer.

Golden red pen and golden alarm clock SS 18 & WS 18/19
Once again this year the prizes for the fastest and longest correction were awarded to our lecturers.
The golden red pen for the summer semester 2018 goes to Dr. Daniel Tapken for the Biochemistry II exam. He corrected the exams within only 22 hours and 51 minutes and saved the students the long wait. The team of Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell corrected the exam of Physics I in the winter semester 18/19 within 3 hours and 36 minutes. For the first time he gave the lecture Physics I for chemists, biochemists and geoscientists and immediately got off to a good start with the first correction – we’d love to hear more!
Without wanting to downgrade the performance of the two lecturers, it should of course not be forgotten that in awarding these prizes, only the time between the exam and the announcement of the grades is taken into account and factors such as the number of corrected exams or the number of helpers during correction are disregarded.

The golden alarm clock was given to Prof. Sander for the OC IV exam in SS 18 and for the OC III exam in WS 18/19, making this the third time in a row that the prize of the golden red pencil goes to Prof. Sander. Please note that Prof. Sander attaches great importance to the quality of the corrected exams, therefore he corrects all exams himself personally. Therefore, a longer processing time of the exams is inevitable.

Golden red pen and golden alarm clock SS 2019
Again, for the SS 2019, prizes for the fastest and longest correction were awarded to our professors.
The golden red pen for the fastest correction this time went to Prof. Metzler-Nolte for the ACII exam in the 2nd appointment with a correction time of 4 hours and 20 minutes.

The golden Alarm Clock for the longest time of correction went to Prof. Günther-Pomorski and Prof. Hollmann for the BCIV exam in the 1st appointment with a correction time of 29 days.

About the current Situation
Dear fellow students,
the “digital” summerterm 2020 is going to be an absolutely new experience and will lead us to new tasks and problems. As the students representatives we will try to be there for you as good as possible. You might have noticed that the general assembly of the “Fachschaft Chemie/ Biochemie” could not take place and a student council (FSR) could not be elected. The old FSR remains provisional and a general assembly cannot happen. We will get in touch with you, as soon as we have new information. If you have questions you can send us an E-Mail (please understand that the answer can take some time). We will set up Office hours, so you can reach us via Sykpe from 20.4.2020.
Please keep in mind that it is -despite the corona crisis – still you, who is responsible for your own study. So have a regular look on the website of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, on the Black Board and on the new Moodle course “Lehrveranstaltungen Chemie und Biochemie im Sommersemester 2020“, where you can find information regarding the lectures in the summerterm. Furthermore we recommend to join the Moodle course “Fachschaft Chemie/Biochemie“. There you have access to old exams and much more. Sometimes we send important information (e.g. announcement of the general assembly) in the Moodle course via E-Mail.
We give our best to keep you up to date on Facebook and Instagram.
Don’t let the crisis get you down,
your FSR Chemie/ Biochemie