Once again this year the prizes for the fastest and longest correction were awarded to our lecturers.
The golden red pen for the summer semester 2018 goes to Dr. Daniel Tapken for the Biochemistry II exam. He corrected the exams within only 22 hours and 51 minutes and saved the students the long wait. The team of Prof. Dr. Achim von Keudell corrected the exam of Physics I in the winter semester 18/19 within 3 hours and 36 minutes. For the first time he gave the lecture Physics I for chemists, biochemists and geoscientists and immediately got off to a good start with the first correction – we’d love to hear more!
Without wanting to downgrade the performance of the two lecturers, it should of course not be forgotten that in awarding these prizes, only the time between the exam and the announcement of the grades is taken into account and factors such as the number of corrected exams or the number of helpers during correction are disregarded.

The golden alarm clock was given to Prof. Sander for the OC IV exam in SS 18 and for the OC III exam in WS 18/19, making this the third time in a row that the prize of the golden red pencil goes to Prof. Sander. Please note that Prof. Sander attaches great importance to the quality of the corrected exams, therefore he corrects all exams himself personally. Therefore, a longer processing time of the exams is inevitable.