
You can now find the form to run for the new student council here. You can still apply as a candidate until 05.04.2024 at 6 pm. Please enter your RUB e-mail address. If you stand for election, you should attend the general meeting to introduce yourself. If this is not possible for you, please fill out the letter of motivation field in as much detail as possible.

The general meeting will take place on Wednesday, 10.4.2024 at 2 pm.

After the elections, the constituent meeting will take place on Thursday, 11.04.2023 at 6 pm in the student council room (NC 03/34).




    Geburtstag/Date of birth

    Handynummer/Cell phone number

    Studienfach/Study subject

    Hochschulsemester/University semester


    Motivationsschreiben/Letter of motivation
    (optional, im Falle der Abwesenheit bei der Wahl wird dies verlesen)

    Ich interessiere mich für folgende Aufgaben/I am interested in the following tasks:


    Hiermit erkläre ich meine offizielle Kandidatur für den FSR Chemie/Biochemie bei der nächsten FSVV. Die Satzung des FSRs habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und akzeptiert.

    I hereby declare my official candidacy for the FSR Chemistry/Biochemistry at the next FSVV. I have read and accepted the statutes of the FSR.

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